Adobe Stock
Adobe Stock
Of the 249 subsidies provided, the largest was for Bob Wilkinson, which received $28,140 for the claim of "Livestock Forage Disaster Program".
The smallest subsidy provided to a Menard County farmer was $17 to Kathryn A. Mews.
There were 133 fewer subsidies than the year before, and the total value of the subsidies fell by $598,731.
Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."
USDA data analyzed by the Cato Institute found that "farmers (on net) have derived almost 40% of their income directly from the U.S. government” in recent years.
The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters to help maintain consistent farming across the country.
Farmer | $ Received | Reason for Subsidy | Total Received in Subsidies by Farmer ($) |
Bob Wilkinson | $28,140 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $43,886 |
Rancho Bonito Livestock Company | $19,316 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $45,269 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $19,173 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $48,126 |
Gainer Ranch | $17,838 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $37,336 |
Lenal a 'bob' Speck | $17,439 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities | $89,862 |
Max Stabel | $16,256 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities | $27,404 |
Lenal a 'bob' Speck | $15,784 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $89,862 |
Bob Wilkinson | $15,746 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $43,886 |
Forked Lightning Ranch JV | $15,371 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $19,709 |
Gainer Ranch | $14,796 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $37,336 |
Rancho Bonito Livestock Company | $14,137 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $45,269 |
Lenal a 'bob' Speck | $14,092 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $89,862 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $13,935 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $48,126 |
Jim W. Wright | $13,274 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $23,684 |
Whitehead Properties, Inc. | $12,981 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $17,441 |
Walden Hillert | $12,429 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $28,742 |
William W. Wright | $12,372 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $25,462 |
Russell Brothers Ranch, LLC | $12,165 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $41,587 |
Jacoby Ranch Partners | $11,297 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $13,309 |
M Mcallister Family Partnership, Ltd. | $10,689 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $23,211 |
Russell Brothers Ranch, LLC | $10,616 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $41,587 |
Lenal a 'bob' Speck | $10,051 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $89,862 |
Russell Brothers Ranch, LLC | $9,891 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $41,587 |
Clint Roberson | $9,497 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $14,251 |
Walden Hillert | $9,092 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $28,742 |
William W. Wright | $9,061 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $25,462 |
Buck B. Miller | $8,936 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $19,230 |
Russell Brothers Ranch, LLC | $8,915 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $41,587 |
M Mcallister Family Partnership, Ltd. | $8,448 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $23,211 |
J. T. Terrell Jr. | $8,178 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $38,632 |
Frank D. McAllister | $7,951 | Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program - Plus 3 Assistance Program | $13,651 |
Frank E. Davis | $7,921 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $9,656 |
J. T. Terrell Jr. | $7,781 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $38,632 |
M & M Farms | $7,414 | Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program - Plus 3 Assistance Program | $15,123 |
Walden Hillert | $7,221 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $28,742 |
Lenal a 'bob' Speck | $7,163 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $89,862 |
Awbrey Kothmann | $7,144 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $21,108 |
Cody Swindall | $6,876 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $14,159 |
Ray Williamson | $6,839 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $15,031 |
Jerry Kidd | $6,539 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $9,733 |
Buck B. Miller | $6,524 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $19,230 |
William J. Austin | $6,470 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $12,095 |
Vinegarroon Ranch Company | $6,425 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $13,800 |
Brandon L. Burch | $6,130 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $10,885 |
Awbrey Kothmann | $6,105 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $21,108 |
J. T. Terrell Jr. | $5,995 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $38,632 |
Lenal a 'bob' Speck | $5,805 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $89,862 |
Jim W. Wright | $5,588 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $23,684 |
J. T. Terrell Jr. | $5,371 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $38,632 |
Lenal a 'bob' Speck | $5,344 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $89,862 |
Ray Williamson | $5,016 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $15,031 |
Vinegarroon Ranch Company | $4,936 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $13,800 |
William J. Austin | $4,761 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $12,095 |
Clint Roberson | $4,754 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $14,251 |
Gainer Ranch | $4,702 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $37,336 |
Rancho Bonito Livestock Company | $4,568 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $45,269 |
J. T. Terrell Jr. | $4,567 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $38,632 |
Cody Swindall | $4,470 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $14,159 |
Whitehead Properties, Inc. | $4,460 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $17,441 |
Forked Lightning Ranch JV | $4,338 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $19,709 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $4,191 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $48,126 |
William B. Murchison | $4,123 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $14,413 |
J. T. Terrell Jr. | $3,907 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $38,632 |
Rancho Bonito Livestock Company | $3,907 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $45,269 |
Kari Carwile | $3,896 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $5,088 |
M & M Farms | $3,806 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities | $15,123 |
Coby Porter | $3,798 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $4,860 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $3,794 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $48,126 |
Buck B. Miller | $3,770 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $19,230 |
Penny Wade | $3,746 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $7,773 |
Brandon L. Burch | $3,643 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $10,885 |
William B. Murchison | $3,589 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $14,413 |
Lenal a 'bob' Speck | $3,529 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $89,862 |
J. W. Jennings | $3,494 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $4,886 |
Jerry Rambo | $3,391 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $11,726 |
John Williamson | $3,350 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $7,445 |
Rancho Bonito Livestock Company | $3,341 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $45,269 |
Lenal a 'bob' Speck | $3,279 | Noninsured Assistance Program | $89,862 |
Janelle J. Yates | $3,251 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $7,136 |
Robert C. Hernandez | $3,219 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $6,611 |
Lenal a 'bob' Speck | $3,177 | Noninsured Assistance Program | $89,862 |
Ray Williamson | $3,176 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $15,031 |
Lost OWL Cattle Operations, LLC | $3,119 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $3,119 |
Frank D. McAllister | $3,115 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $13,651 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $3,014 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $48,126 |
Cary Rambo | $2,993 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $6,891 |
Awbrey Kothmann | $2,965 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $21,108 |
Linda Black | $2,959 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $4,818 |
Rey Pin | $2,931 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act | $3,050 |
William W. Wright | $2,917 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $25,462 |
John Williamson | $2,910 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $7,445 |
William B. Murchison | $2,905 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $14,413 |
Robert C. Hernandez | $2,848 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $6,611 |
Kenneth Bannowsky | $2,846 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $6,409 |
J. T. Terrell Jr. | $2,833 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $38,632 |
Awbrey Kothmann | $2,814 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $21,108 |
Cody Swindall | $2,813 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $14,159 |
Jerry Kidd | $2,753 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $9,733 |
Penny Wade | $2,744 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $7,773 |
Scalp Creek Ranches, LLC | $2,738 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $5,156 |
Cary Lynn McAllister | $2,635 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $6,285 |
Frank D. McAllister | $2,585 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities | $13,651 |
Ross Stultz | $2,584 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $4,476 |
Kenneth Bannowsky | $2,565 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $6,409 |
Jerry Rambo | $2,546 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $11,726 |
Jason Bannowsky | $2,538 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $7,335 |
John B Kniffen & Katherine L Kniffen Revocable Liv | $2,430 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities | $5,326 |
Janelle J. Yates | $2,385 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $7,136 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $2,294 | Noninsured Assistance Program | $48,126 |
George C. Wenzel | $2,263 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $11,459 |
Jerry Rambo | $2,237 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $11,726 |
Jason Bannowsky | $2,222 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $7,335 |
Cary Rambo | $2,215 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $6,891 |
William B. Murchison | $2,195 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $14,413 |
Cary Lynn McAllister | $2,194 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $6,285 |
Lisa Anita Brown | $2,167 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $5,728 |
M Mcallister Family Partnership, Ltd. | $2,142 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $23,211 |
Awbrey Kothmann | $2,080 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $21,108 |
Mary Sides Davis | $2,075 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $4,472 |
Bill Baugh | $2,033 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $3,218 |
Jacoby Ranch Partners | $2,012 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $13,309 |
Jim W. Wright | $1,986 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $23,684 |
Jim W. Wright | $1,983 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $23,684 |
Diamond K Hunting Ranch, LLC | $1,980 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act | $1,980 |
M Mcallister Family Partnership, Ltd. | $1,932 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $23,211 |
Ross Stultz | $1,892 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $4,476 |
Linda Black | $1,859 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $4,818 |
Mary Lee Spiller | $1,857 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $3,909 |
M & M Farms | $1,854 | Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program - Plus 3 Assistance Program | $15,123 |
Jerry Rambo | $1,828 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $11,726 |
M & M Farms | $1,798 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $15,123 |
George C. Wenzel | $1,739 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $11,459 |
Lenal a 'bob' Speck | $1,739 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $89,862 |
Frank E. Davis | $1,735 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $9,656 |
Jerry Rambo | $1,724 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $11,726 |
Cary Rambo | $1,683 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $6,891 |
Mary Sides Davis | $1,652 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $4,472 |
Herman Rayburn | $1,645 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $2,622 |
Vinegarroon Ranch Company | $1,617 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $13,800 |
Elizabeth L. Menzies | $1,614 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $2,797 |
Margaret Carroll | $1,614 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $1,933 |
William B. Murchison | $1,601 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $14,413 |
Max Stabel | $1,588 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $27,404 |
George C. Wenzel | $1,573 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $11,459 |
Lenal a 'bob' Speck | $1,537 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $89,862 |
Paul Kothmann | $1,535 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $2,799 |
George C. Wenzel | $1,527 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $11,459 |
Mary Lee Spiller | $1,514 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $3,909 |
Max Stabel | $1,504 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $27,404 |
Cary Lynn McAllister | $1,456 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $6,285 |
Benny F. Kothmann | $1,423 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $2,069 |
Crawford & Collins I, Ltd. | $1,422 | Noninsured Assistance Program | $1,422 |
Janelle J. Yates | $1,417 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $7,136 |
Max Stabel | $1,404 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $27,404 |
Lisa Anita Brown | $1,395 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $5,728 |
J. W. Jennings | $1,392 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $4,886 |
Bart Wilkinson | $1,346 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,346 |
Max Stabel | $1,340 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $27,404 |
March M. Compton Jr. | $1,320 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $1,320 |
Lisa Anita Brown | $1,298 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $5,728 |
Max Stabel | $1,289 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $27,404 |
Penny Wade | $1,283 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $7,773 |
George C. Wenzel | $1,249 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $11,459 |
George C. Wenzel | $1,218 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $11,459 |
Betty Rayburn | $1,205 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $1,205 |
Kari Carwile | $1,192 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $5,088 |
Bill Baugh | $1,185 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $3,218 |
Elizabeth L. Menzies | $1,183 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $2,797 |
Gary E. Bates | $1,178 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities | $2,546 |
Scalp Creek Ranches, LLC | $1,170 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $5,156 |
Max Stabel | $1,166 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $27,404 |
Christy Coleman | $1,131 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities | $2,562 |
Paul Kothmann | $1,126 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $2,799 |
Brandon L. Burch | $1,112 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $10,885 |
William W. Wright | $1,112 | Noninsured Assistance Program | $25,462 |
Jason Bannowsky | $1,105 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $7,335 |
Coby Porter | $1,062 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $4,860 |
Max Stabel | $1,055 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $27,404 |
Joan K. Menzies | $1,008 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,189 |
Kenneth Bannowsky | $998 | Noninsured Assistance Program | $6,409 |
Max Stabel | $988 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $27,404 |
Herman Rayburn | $977 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $2,622 |
George C. Wenzel | $973 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $11,459 |
John Williamson | $958 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $7,445 |
Larry Rogers | $951 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $2,382 |
Lenal a 'bob' Speck | $923 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $89,862 |
Scalp Creek Ranches, LLC | $910 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities | $5,156 |
E. H. Chandler Jr. | $902 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $902 |
Gary E. Bates | $888 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $2,546 |
Lisa Anita Brown | $868 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $5,728 |
Jack W. Wilkinson | $864 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $1,495 |
Christy Coleman | $858 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act | $2,562 |
Vinegarroon Ranch Company | $822 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $13,800 |
John B Kniffen & Katherine L Kniffen Revocable Liv | $811 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,326 |
Jason Bannowsky | $795 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $7,335 |
Larry Rogers | $777 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $2,382 |
Walter McAllister | $764 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $1,593 |
Mary Sides Davis | $745 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $4,472 |
George C. Wenzel | $716 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $11,459 |
Jim W. Wright | $700 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $23,684 |
Jason Bannowsky | $675 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $7,335 |
William J. Austin | $645 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $12,095 |
John B Kniffen & Katherine L Kniffen Revocable Liv | $636 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $5,326 |
Jack W. Wilkinson | $631 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $1,495 |
John B Kniffen & Katherine L Kniffen Revocable Liv | $598 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,326 |
John B Kniffen & Katherine L Kniffen Revocable Liv | $576 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,326 |
Christy Coleman | $572 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $2,562 |
Rayna Haney | $570 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $1,249 |
Larry Rogers | $566 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $2,382 |
Robert C. Hernandez | $544 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $6,611 |
Mary Lee Spiller | $538 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $3,909 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $536 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $48,126 |
Gary E. Bates | $480 | Quality Loss Adjustment Program | $2,546 |
Walter McAllister | $467 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,593 |
Jerry Kidd | $441 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $9,733 |
Rayna Haney | $419 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $1,249 |
Max Stabel | $396 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $27,404 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $393 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $48,126 |
Walter McAllister | $362 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $1,593 |
Royal Ranch Cattle Company | $360 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $360 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $345 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $48,126 |
Scalp Creek Ranches, LLC | $338 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,156 |
Benny F. Kothmann | $326 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $2,069 |
Benny F. Kothmann | $320 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $2,069 |
Margaret Carroll | $319 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,933 |
Patsy M. Schwarz | $307 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $307 |
Max Stabel | $294 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $27,404 |
Kothmann Commission Company | $268 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $268 |
Rayna Haney | $260 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,249 |
M & M Farms | $251 | Quality Loss Adjustment Program | $15,123 |
John Williamson | $227 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $7,445 |
William J. Austin | $219 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $12,095 |
George C. Wenzel | $201 | Noninsured Assistance Program | $11,459 |
Menard Blue Hills Ranch, LLC | $198 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $198 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $183 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $48,126 |
Joan K. Menzies | $181 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $1,189 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $179 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $48,126 |
John B Kniffen & Katherine L Kniffen Revocable Liv | $174 | Quality Loss Adjustment Program | $5,326 |
Jim W. Wright | $153 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $23,684 |
Paul Kothmann | $138 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $2,799 |
Max Stabel | $125 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $27,404 |
Rey Pin | $119 | Farm Ranchers Program | $3,050 |
John B Kniffen & Katherine L Kniffen Revocable Liv | $101 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,326 |
Larry Rogers | $88 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $2,382 |
Janelle J. Yates | $49 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $7,136 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $41 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $48,126 |
Janelle J. Yates | $34 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $7,136 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $31 | Livestock Forage Disaster Program | $48,126 |
Kathryn A. Mews | $17 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $48,126 |